Urban Bourbon Half Marathon

18 Oct 2025 (Sat)



Urban Bourbon Half Marathon

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Join Urban Bourbon Half Marathon

The banks of the Ohio River as well as this famous Kentucky city’s downtown streets and parks are the setting for the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon, which features a finish line on Main Street in front of the Evan Willliams Bourbon Experience!

If you like bourbon, this is your race — there’s Evan Williams at the finish line, where you can tour the distillery on Whiskey Row and enjoy bourbon tastings in the post-race lounge. There is an abundance of opportunities to take part in even more bourbon-inspired activities before or after you’ve completed the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon. Whether it’s taking advantage of Louisville’s Urban Bourbon Trail or exploring the distilleries located just a short distance from Louisville, you have plenty of options from which to choose.

Enjoy a scenic run in beautiful Louisville!

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Urban Bourbon Half Marathon

local_activity Deals & discounts

verified_user Refundable Booking option

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