Rocky 50 Trail Run

14 Feb 2026 (Sat)


80.47km, 50km, 21.08km

Rocky 50 Trail Run

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Join Rocky 50 Trail Run

Huntsville State Park is a 2083 acre park that is nested in the tall pines and along the shores of the 215 acre man-made Lake Raven. The park is located about six miles southwest of Huntsville and is the host for the annual Rocky 50.

The Rocky 50, 50 mile race is a perfect race if you want to run your first ultra, or if you want to run a really fast 50, this is your course. Just enough change in elevation, lots of exposed tree roots, beautiful pine trees with their needles nestled under your feet, cool bridges, a gorgeous east Texas lake, wildlife, and a wonderful set of aid stations and volunteers. 

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Rocky 50 Trail Run

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