McAllen Marathon

18 Jan 2025 (Sat)


5km, 10km, 42.20km, 21.10km

McAllen Marathon

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Join McAllen Marathon

Join us in January at the McAllen Marathon for a 26.2 mile full marathon adventure through the streets of tropical McAllen, Texas where the average December weather is 50 to 71 degrees!

Start time will be 7:00 AM for all races which will start and finish at the McAllen Sports Park. The race courses are flat and fast with a South Texas breeze on asphalt routes that will cruise through shady McAllen neighborhoods with all the support needed to get you across the finish line for your first or fastest time!

The McAllen Marathon is a USATF-certified marathon, a great Boston Qualifier!

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McAllen Marathon

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The race information has been found on the official website of the event or through publicly available sources. Always refer to the official website the latest race information. Please let us know if any data is wrong or missing, by emailing us.