Lost Dutchman Marathon

15 Feb 2026 (Sun)


10km, 8km, 42.20km, 21.10km

Lost Dutchman Marathon

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Join Lost Dutchman Marathon

A beautifully scenic and very challenging race that has won raves from publications like Runner’s World magazine (which called it one of the “Best Little Marathons in the Country”) to AZCentral.com, which named it 2005’s best marathon for serious runners, the Lost Dutchman Marathon & Half Marathon offers a rugged desert course

The marathon, associated races and activities are held every President’s Day weekend in Apache Junction, Arizona.

Run at the base of Superstition Mountain near the rumored site of the legendary Lost Dutchman Mine, this event is a favorite of serious marathoners and casual runners alike. The marathon follows a USATF-certified course and can be used as a qualifier for the Boston Marathon.

The event features a pre-race campfire, and includes a 2 Mile Fun Run, 8K Trail Run, 10K and Half Marathon in addition to the marathon itself.

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Lost Dutchman Marathon

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