Marathon Zeeuws-Vlaanderen

12 Apr 2025 (Sat)


5km, 10km, 42.20km

Marathon Zeeuws-Vlaanderen

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Join Marathon Zeeuws-Vlaanderen

The annual edition of Logus – De Hoop Marathon Zeeuws Vlaanderen will take place in April, starting in Hulst and finishing in Terneuzen. The Zeeuws Vlaanderen marathon is a wonderful, beautiful, natural and safe marathon on the border between the Netherlands and Flanders.

People in the Flemish part of Zeeland are well-known for their friendliness, hospitality and enjoying good food. After the finish there are many terrace-cafes offering cosy places to relax and recover. Everything in the center of Terneuzen will reflect the fun and sporting atmosphere of the Marathon Zeeuws Vlaanderen, and even after the last runner of the course has finished the party will continue. The Marathon Zeeuws Vlaanderen is unique.

The objective of the race and the sporty atmosphere is to offer happy memories for all the runners who enjoy running this challenging and different marathon.

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Marathon Zeeuws-Vlaanderen

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The race information has been found on the official website of the event or through publicly available sources. Always refer to the official website the latest race information. Please let us know if any data is wrong or missing, by emailing us.