Hayden Lake Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon

11 Oct 2025 (Sat)


42.16km, 21.08km, 10.46km, 4.99km

Hayden Lake Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon

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Join Hayden Lake Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon

Enjoy breathtaking views while running past golf courses, lakes, horse pastures, farms, and North Idaho forests. All three distances start and finish at Hayden Lake’s Honeysuckle Beach, a beautiful neighborhood park overlooking Hayden Lake and surrounding mountains.

Located just 10 minutes north of Coeur d’Alene, this unique marathon course goes completely around Hayden Lake on hilly, challenging forest-lined roads.

Come experience North Idaho and its beautiful world-class recreation scenery.

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Hayden Lake Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon

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