DPR Trail Races

11 Oct 2025 (Sat)


80.47km, 50km, 42.20km, 21.10km

DPR Trail Races

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Join DPR Trail Races

Welcome to the annual DPR Trail Races
Half-Marathon, Marathon and 50 Mile Ultra Marathon along the beautiful and fast Des Plaines River Trail in Lake County, Illinois. This is a truly special running course. The DPR Trail is a wide, crushed gravel track, free of roots and rocks, and very flat. All of the major road crossings are managed by way of bridges or viaducts (with only 4 minor road crossings along the whole 50 Mile course, 2 on the Marathon course, and none for the Half-Marathon course). This is a great track through alternating lush forests and open wetlands. With cool temperatures expected, and given the flat terrain and ideal running surface, you’ll find these to be extremely fast courses.
Come out and join us for a great run!

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DPR Trail Races

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