Join 365 SGC Run Walk Limassol
On the 15th of DECEMBER 2024, we all Run or Walk 3.65km (10am starts ) or 10.95km (8:15am starts) supporting good causes! Let's celebrate the holidays and the end of the year by participating in the 3rd Annual 365 SGC Run Walk 2024! All net proceeds will be used to support 365 DREAM TEAM, a team of runners with disabilities. The event is supported by 365 Foundation, Cyprus Olympians, Cyprus Red Cross and Limassol Municipality. The event will not be timed. Is not a race but a CELEBRATION of runners and walkers! Still, the first 3 women and the first 3 men (all age categories combined) will receive a gift from the organizers.
Course details
Start address: Molos, Limassol, Cyprus
Finish address: Molos, Limassol, Cyprus
What’s included
done Finisher medal info
done E-certificate/e-diploma
done Drink Stations info
done Medical Assistance
done Toilets
done Custom bib number info
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