Grand Teton Half Marathon & 5K
06 Jun 2025 (Fri)
42.16km, 26.07km, 21.08km, 5km, 52.14km

Join Grand Teton Half Marathon & 5K
Technically this is Wyoming, but you may have a hard time believing it. With a median age of 32, this Western town has evolved into a mecca for mountain lovers, hard-core climbers and skiers, easily recognizable as sunburned baristas.
The upside of being posh and popular? Jackson is abuzz with life: trails and outdoor opportunities abound. Fresh sushi is flown in daily and generous purse-strings support a vigorous cultural life. Skip the souvenirs and remember why you came to Jackson in the first place: to visit its glorious backyard, Grand Teton National Park.
With that being said, the Grand Teton Half Marathon is the place to be!!
Set for its annual running, the Grand Teton Half Marathon is set to take runners on a high-elevation, point-to-point climb through Wyoming’s Jackson Hole area, where they’ll cross the Snake River twice and finish within sight of the majestic Teton Mountain range, just south of the national park for which they’re named.
Runners should note that they won’t actually run within the confines of Grand Teton National Park during the race — they’ll run just south of the park’s southern entrance, between the small town of Wilson and Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club, where they’ll cross the race finish line at the golf course’s driving range.
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