Sandhills Marathon

07 juin 2025 (Sat)


42,10km, 21,10km

Sandhills Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

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You’ll be running on a one lane black top on this net down hill course. Most of the course is comprised of rolling hills, but most are pretty small. Race organizers strongly discourage the use of headphones as this is not a closed course. They also advise to be aware that snakes are sometimes on the road. The race features a long, gradual downhill point-to-point route that unfolds along the Brownlee Road in Cherry County, Neb.

Filled with a combination of pristine prairie grasses and hilly sand dunes that lie atop the massive Ogallala Aquifer here in the Cornhusker state, the region known as the Sandhills of Nebraska plays host to the annual Sandhills Marathon & Half Marathon this year as spring is giving way to summer.

The road itself is a 25.7 mile one lane paved road that cuts through the Sandhill region of Nebraska. The extra half mile is added when runners do a quick out and back into the town of Brownlee. The course has a few rolling hills, but mostly it is in a valley with a 330 ft. decrease in elevation. The road was made for running a marathon!

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Sandhills Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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