Newport Marathon and Half Marathon

01 juin 2024 (Sat)


42,20km, 21,10km

Newport Marathon and Half Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Newport Marathon and Half Marathon

Newport lies at the heart of Oregon’s beautiful central coast. Blue water, crashing surf, and natural wonders abound in seemingly endless variety. Local residents love to share their special place with visitors giving Newport its motto “The Friendliest”. From quiet walks on the beach to deep sea fishing to visiting the numerous local attractions, there are a wide range of opportunities for recreation and inner reflection. It’s the perfect setting for a marathon.

It is a flat, very fast, and beautiful course that will produce numerous PR’s. Our course is USATF certified and has proven to be a very good “first marathon” as well as an excellent qualifier for the Boston Marathon.

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Newport Marathon and Half Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Les informations de course ont été trouvées sur le site officiel de l'événement ou par des sources accessibles au public. Toujours se référer au site officiel pour les dernières informations sur la course. Veuillez nous informer si des données sont fausses ou manquantes, en nous envoyant un e-mail..