Lincoln Marathon

05 mai 2024 (Sun)


42,20km, 1,61km, 21,10km

Lincoln Marathon

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Lincoln Marathon

Since 1978, the city of Lincoln has held the Lincoln Marathon. Organized by the Lincoln Track Club, marathon weekend has grown to include thousands of runners, volunteers, sponsors and spectators which make this one of the premiere events in the capitol city. This marathon which has grown from a few hundred participants to over 12,500 in 2014.

Some of the “little things” that make our event special include aid stations with lids and straws; neighborhoods that actively participate by serving water, gummie bears and jelly beans; local bands placed on the course to add motivation; and finishing on the 50-yard line of Memorial Stadium. The Lincoln National Guard Marathon and Half Marathon is also one of the largest events in the nation put on completely by volunteers – not a single person is paid to organize this event. Those on the Marathon Committee volunteer hundreds of hours to make sure this event is one of the best in the nation.

We hope you will be able to experience the Lincoln marathon weekend as either a participant, volunteer or spectator.

The Lincoln Track Club, Inc. was established in 1975 by an eager group of track enthusiasts. Although our title contains the reference to track, we have become a distance oriented club.  In essence, our club is a non-profit community service organization, established to promote running throughout this area and provide educational assistance for its runners.

The Lincoln Track Club is not just about running, its also about volunteering and giving back to the community.

The Lincoln National Guard Full Marathon has been selected as a RRCA – Marathon State Championship Event. Both courses have been nationally certified by and according to the standards adopted by the USA Track & Field / Road Runners of America Committee on Certification. Certificates: Marathon=NE10010KU; Half-Marathon=NE10009KU. Marathon times are acceptable for qualifying in the Boston Marathon. Qualifying times (Net Times) will be automatically forwarded to Boston for entry verification.

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Lincoln Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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