La Saintélyon

Lyon, France

28 nov. 2025 (Fri)


1km, 156km, 13km, 24km, 44km, 78km

La Saintélyon

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Join La Saintélyon

La Saintélyon is a monument in the history of running in France. The mythical night-time run between Saint-Etienne and Lyon, the oldest of ultra races, has become a real phenomenon and the biggest natural race in France in terms of participants.

The La Saintélyon is a trail and road race at the same time (65% of trails and 35% of asphalt), the Saintélyon ​​is the cult meeting for the end of the season of Trail running. It literally captivates all those who participate, solo or in relay, through 8 formats (from 13 to 154 km) of race between two major cities.

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La Saintélyon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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