High Coast Ultra
Join High Coast Ultra
Take the opportunity to experience the High Coast’s (Höga kusten) stunning nature in this ultra marathon. The 129 km race pass through the mighty Slåttdalsskrevan in Skuleskogen National Park and the grandiose finish take place at the High Coast Bridge’s northern stronghold. The race is capped at 140 entries to protect the tracks and nature. 10 starting places reserved in addition to the organizer for specially invited runners.
High Coast Ultra is an official qualifying race for "The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®" (UTMB). Our long distance (129 km) gives 3 qualifying points, while our second distance (75 km) gives 2 qualification points. High Coast Ultra is additionally sanctioned (District Sanctions) in Swedish Athletics Association. The race is of the "semi-autonomy", which is a principle which means that the participants must be self-sufficient between food and control stations.
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