Frederick Running Festival

04 mai 2024 (Sat)


21,08km, 4,99km, 1,61km

Frederick Running Festival

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Frederick Running Festival

Tucked away in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., the Frederick Running Festival is one of the hidden gems of the running community. The festival features four races, which all finish at the Frederick Fairgrounds. Runners can experience a big time race with small town charm with the added value of off-site packet pick-up in the suburbs of Maryland. Choose between a half-marathon and two-person team relay on Sunday or the 5K and Kids Fun Run on Saturday.

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Carte du parcours

directions_runStart address: Frederick,us

flagFinish address: Frederick,us

Frederick Running Festival ITINERAIRE


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Frederick Running Festival

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Les informations de course ont été trouvées sur le site officiel de l'événement ou par des sources accessibles au public. Toujours se référer au site officiel pour les dernières informations sur la course. Veuillez nous informer si des données sont fausses ou manquantes, en nous envoyant un e-mail..