Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon

02 juin 2024 (Sun)


21,10km, 42,20km, 5km

Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon

The Marathon is a point to point course, beginning in the old mining town of Rochford; home of the MoonShine Gulch Saloon, the sMall of America, and the University of Rochford. After a quick run through town, you find yourself on the George Mickelson Trail and on your way to Deadwood. The Half Marathon starts on the trail, 13.1 miles from Rochford. The Finish Line for both events is the Deadwood Trailhead. Complete course description can be found on the Course Information page. Bus transportation from Deadwood is provided and strongly recommended to the start line of both events. Start time for both events is 8 AM.

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Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Les informations de course ont été trouvées sur le site officiel de l'événement ou par des sources accessibles au public. Toujours se référer au site officiel pour les dernières informations sur la course. Veuillez nous informer si des données sont fausses ou manquantes, en nous envoyant un e-mail..