Join Sylvesterloppet Kalmar
Kalmar Sylvesterloppet is a real running classic. About 1000 people will be registered and are thus it is the second largest New Year's Eve race in Sweden.
The Sylvesterloppet starts at the prestigious Fredriksskans in Kalmar. The track runs in the beautiful environment around Malmfjärden and is flat and easy to run. 5km race participants will run one lap, while those competing in the 10 km category will need to finish 2 laps. Both distances finish at the Fredriksskans.
Course details
Start address: Fredriksskansgatan, 392 35 Kalmar, Sweden
Finish address: Fredriksskansgatan, 392 35 Kalmar, Sweden
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Timing chip (single use)
done Drink Stations
done Nutrition Stations
done Medical Assistance
done Bag drop
done Toilets
done Shower
done Dressing rooms
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