
Atea Kalmarmilen

Kalmar, Sweden

30 Jul 2025 (Wed)


10 km

local_activity Early bird ticket

Atea Kalmarmilen

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Atea Kalmarmilen 2025

Atea Kalmarmilen is an established mile race where everyone can participate, both exercisers and elite.
The race goes through Kalmar's many beautiful environments.
The start takes place at Teatervallen. The runners then pass Kalmar Castle, Stensö, the Old Town, the harbor, Fredrikskans, Lindö,
Ängö and back on Kvarnholmen and then meet
the audience's applause along Storgatan and the sprint towards the finish at Larmtorget.

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Course details

Course surface
Other tags
FFA National
Out and Back
100-999 Participants
Kids Run
Men Only
Women Only
Wheelchair Friendly

Start address: Västra Vallgatan 6, 392 32 Kalmar, Sweden

Finish address: Västra Vallgatan 6, 392 32 Kalmar, Sweden


Atea Kalmarmilen Routenkarte


Registrierung schließt am 28 Juli (125 Tage bis zur Veranstaltung)

The current price step is valid until 23 Juli, 2025

10 K

10,00 Km

Mehr erfahren

41 EUR


32 EUR

ausgewählte Tickets

ausgewählte Tickets



Eine volle Rückerstattung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Anmeldung ist möglich.

Wir akzeptieren Visa MasterCard AMX PayPal Multibanco iDEAL WeChat Pay AliPay Swish Mobile pay

What’s included

These are included in your entry
  • done Finisher medal

  • done Event T-shirts info

  • done Timing chip (single use)

  • done Drink Stations

  • done Nutrition Stations

  • done Medical Assistance

  • done Toilets

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?


Number slips can be picked up at Kalmar Theater on Tuesday, July 29 at 15-17 Wednesday 30 July at 15-19

local_activity Early bird ticket

Atea Kalmarmilen

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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