
Böda Beachrun

25 Jun 2025 (Wed)


10 km, 5 km, 2,50km, 0,50km

local_activity Early bird ticket

Böda Beachrun

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Böda Beachrun 2025

Tough running on sand and through water! A competition for anyone who wants to go all in or just have a lot of fun! Join the Böda Beach Run, a race that really stands out a little extra.

A challenge beyond the ordinary for the whole family with courses ranging from 500 m to 10 km.

Medal awaits all participants after making it across the finish line!

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Course details

Course surface
Other tags
Ocean View
Course highlights
Tough competition in sand and water for those who want to bet everything or just have real fun! Böda Beach Run is a race that stands out a little extra. An extraordinary challenge for the whole family with courses from 500 m to 10 km.
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Start address: Böda Sand, 387 75 Byxelkrok, Sweden

Finish address: Böda Sand, 387 75 Byxelkrok, Sweden


Böda Beachrun Routenkarte


Registrierung schließt am 23 Juni (90 Tage bis zur Veranstaltung)

The current price step is valid until 18 Juni, 2025

Youth 2.5 Km

2,50 Km

Mehr erfahren

18 EUR


14 EUR

Mini Class - 500 m

0,50 Km

Mehr erfahren

18 EUR


14 EUR

5 km

5,00 Km

Mehr erfahren

32 EUR


23 EUR

2.5 km

2,50 Km

Mehr erfahren

32 EUR


23 EUR

10 km

10,00 Km

Mehr erfahren

37 EUR


28 EUR

ausgewählte Tickets

ausgewählte Tickets



Eine volle Rückerstattung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Anmeldung ist möglich.

Wir akzeptieren Visa MasterCard AMX PayPal Multibanco iDEAL WeChat Pay AliPay Swish Mobile pay

What’s included

These are included in your entry
  • done Finisher medal

See 0 more


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Es liegt zu diesem Event keine Bewertungen vor...möchtest du die erste schreiben?

Häufig gestellte Fragen

When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?


Then the day of the competition at the number tag pick-up (Nordpoolen) from 12:00.

local_activity Early bird ticket

Böda Beachrun

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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