Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon

Join Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon
Welcome to the annaul Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon, a Coastal Running Fest, showcasing the local culture with a beautiful beachside run from Pass Christian to Biloxi. Kick off the weekend with a health and fitness expo, then run the Double Down with a 5K and a full/half marathon before relaxing to enjoy incredible seafood and barbecue at a beach party, the Finish Fest.
The Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon and Half Marathon are point-to-point races. This means the start lines and finish line are in different locations. The marathon start line is 26 miles from the finish line and the half marathon is 13 miles from the finish line. The following plan is designed to make getting to and from the race venues as easy as we can make it for our participants.
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The race information has been found on the official website of the event or through publicly available sources. Always refer to the official website the latest race information. Please let us know if any data is wrong or missing, by emailing us.