Conquer the Canuck Marathon Ultra Trail Weekend

10 May 2025 (Sat)


12.50km, 25km, 50km, 720km

Conquer the Canuck Marathon Ultra Trail Weekend

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Join Conquer the Canuck Marathon Ultra Trail Weekend

A trail race for all runners from the 8.33km – the two day staged 92.2km event. Well groomed course. Approximately 70-80% shaded. Approximately 125 meters of gain/loss per 8.33 km loop. A little rocky section for a few hundred meters, just past the 6km point, as you begin to climb for 200 meters. Overall fast course, in comparison to most trail races in Ontario.

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Conquer the Canuck Marathon Ultra Trail Weekend

local_activity Deals & discounts

verified_user Refundable Booking option

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