The Woodlands Marathon

21 feb 2026 (Sat)


42,16km, 21,08km, 9,98km, 4,99km, 1km

The Woodlands Marathon

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Join The Woodlands Marathon

The Woodlands Marathon is a BOSTON QUALIFIER, the 2nd fastest course in Texas on average and one the top 25th fastest courses in the country . It qualifies close to 11% of its registered runners in the marathon for the Boston Marathon. The marathon traverse the streets of Town Center and the community on a pretty flat course, finishing on the scenic Waterway.

Friends, Family and spectators line the streets at various cheer zones in the Cheer Challenge to encourage athletes along the way and participants have the opportunity to run for charities in the Charity Challenge. To date over $650,000 has been raised for charities and volunteer organizations. Come join the excitement as we welcome close to 9,000 runners.

The Fidelity Investments Woodlands Marathon will traverse the streets of Town Center and the community on single loop 26.2  finishing on the scenic Waterway.

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The Woodlands Marathon

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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