Wild Hare Trail Race

15 nov 2025 (Sat)


80,47km, 50km, 25km, 10km, 1,61km

Wild Hare Trail Race

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Join Wild Hare Trail Race

Bluff Creek Ranch located in the rolling hills 60 miles east of Austin, is a working cattle ranch that has the distinction of being the first Mountain Bike Ranch in Texas. There are 8 miles of well shaded, rolling, single track trails that wind through hardwoods and pines. This is the venue for the annual Ultra marathon, Wild Hare.

As the name implies, this race is a fast, frolic on a course of constantly changing terrain. It’s a short 8mi loop, part of which is a mountain bike style roller coaster of twists & turns with shallow dips and 180 degree turns, another part open field which is fast and easy, and also a few climbs/descents over the bluff.

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Wild Hare Trail Race

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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