

03-05 giu 2022 (Fri - Sun)


100km, 50km, 8km


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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Ultrabug

Ultrabug is a 100km 3-day, fully supported ultramarathon through the winding mountain footpaths, mineral water streams and remote culture rich villages in the Carpathian mountains, Romania.

Ultrabug is the perfect match for your fisrt time ultra! Enjoy the incredible views of the Capathia Mountains while facing a new challenge.

The course goes through 3 different phases: 

Phase one: 42 KM Friday, 3rd of June

Phase two: 50 KM Saturday, 4th of June

Phase three: 8 KM Sunday, 5th of June

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Course details

Start address: Fundu Moldovei, Romania

Finish address: Fundu Moldovei 727265, Romania

Mappa del percorso

Ultrabug Mappa del percorso


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local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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