Tuscobia Winter Ultramarathon

27 dic 2024 (Fri)


257,49km, 128,75km

Tuscobia Winter Ultramarathon

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Tuscobia Winter Ultramarathon

The Tuscobia Ultra was first held in 2009 on the 75-mile Tuscobia Trail between Rice Lake and Park Falls in northern Wisconsin. As word spread of this unique event, the number of participants increased in 2010, including four guys in the 150 mile run division. Participants consisted of curious first timers to winter ultras all the way to experienced racers looking to tune-up before the Arrowhead 135.

The Tuscobia Winter Ultra is a human powered run, bike or ski event held on the Tuscobia State Trail in Northern Wisconsin in the middle of winter on snow/ice/slush covered trails. The race is semi-supported. This means that food/soup will be provided and drop bags will be available at the checkpoints. Patronizing local businesses is encouraged and in that respect racers may use product/services of local businesses as long as no race rules are broken. But there is not to be any other outside help, crews, or pacers. Racers may help racers.

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Tuscobia Winter Ultramarathon

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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