Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon


18 ott 2020 (Sun)


Maratona, Mezza maratona, 10 km, 5 km

Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon ha finito

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon

The Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon brings the iconic marathon to your city, town, and corner of the world, through an immersive and interactive Virtual Race experience.

The Virtual Marathon will start at 06h30 on 18 October 2020 (your local time, wherever you are in the world). Powered through a Virtual Marathon App, your race progress will be tracked as if you are running the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon route - whether you find yourself in New York, Naples or New Delhi. Every registered runner will get a unique code via email to sign up in the app as soon as it's available.

About the app
✅ Real Time Tracking
✅ Switch between real route and virtual route
✅ Pre-recorded audio & video experience
✅ Audio notification on iconic landmarks
✅ And more...

The Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon gives you the opportunity to run in solidarity with other runners across the globe - while following your local social distancing and safety guidelines - and embracing the spirit of this iconic event. It promises to be a race like no other! 

The Sanlam Cape Town Marathon is Africa’s only World Marathon Gold Status Marathon.
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Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon ha finito

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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