Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run

02 mag 2025 (Fri)


80,47km, 5km, 50km, 160,93km

Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run

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Join Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run

The Salt Flats 50km Endurance Run is a premier 50km event, exposing the runner to the mind-bending terrain and extreme environment of the Salt Flats, Island Mountains, and Mud-Flats surrounding the Bonneville Speedway. The weather at this time of year can be everything from sunny and low 80’s to blowing snow and low 20’s. Part of the experience of running this course is encountering and conquering the unpredictable weather. 

The 50K starts at the same time as the other events and follows the 50/100 mile course for the first 16 miles. At the second Aid Station the runners will reverse the course back to near the start for a 31.1 mile 50K. The cutoff is a generous 8 hours accommodating runners of all abilities, and all finishers within that 8 hr span will receive the "mini buckle" medal!

As a general description; you’ll be running on the salt and compacted salt-sands for roughly 16 miles, then reversing the course. This is one of the flattest "trail" courses in existence. The course starts and finishes at the same location, so runners won’t have to worry about shuttling vehicles or themselves.

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Salt Flats 100 Mile Endurance Run

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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