Run in Reims

Reims, France

11 ott 2025 (Sat)


90km, 10km, 21,10km

Run in Reims

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Reims à Toutes Jambes (English: Reims at Full Speed) is an annual road running event held in Reims, France in the month of October. First held in 1984, the competition comprises three main parts: a 42.195 km marathon, a 21.0975 km half marathon race, and a 10 km race. In addition to these, there are smaller competitions for disabled athletes and children.The marathon course is a figure-8 run twice and has hosted the French national championship race on three occasions (1997, 1999, 2000).

Both the marathon and the half marathon attract elite level competitors. The marathon course records are held by David Kemboi (2:07:53 hours) and Alla Zhilyaeva (2:27:38 hours). The best times for the half marathon are by Dieudonné Disi (1:01:13) and Christelle Daunay (1:08:34).

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Run in Reims

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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