REVEL Canyon City Marathon & Half
Join REVEL Canyon City Marathon & Half
The third in a three-race series that starts with August’s Revel Rockies Half Marathon in Colorado and September’s Big Cottonwood Half Marathon in Utah, the Revel Canyon City Marathon offers stunning scenery and breathtaking views of the San Gabriel Mountains and the Angeles National Forest, a world away from the urban sprawl of Los Angeles off in the distance.
This incredibly fast and remarkably beautiful road race takes runners from the forests and canyons of the Angeles National Forest to the foothills of Azusa, California. Featuring a smooth downhill slope and spectacular scenery, this race will be sure to help you set your PR and finally hit that Boston Qualifying time. REVEL Canyon City is the fastest and most beautiful marathon in California. REVEL in speed. REVEL in beauty. REVEL in Canyon City.
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