Lemesia 24th international Races
“Marios Agathangelou”
Octomber / 09:00 a.m./ 09:20 / 09:10
1km | 3km | 10km
10km is officially listed in AIMS
At Molos Limassol
Awards will be awarded in first 3 three men and women in overall results 3km and 10km AND to all age group categories (13-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70+) at all races.
Lemesia, the most important sporting event organised by the Limassol Municipality will be held for the 24th consecutive year, aiming to offer the audience a unique spectacle in a great atmosphere.
For more info call : 99675750 / 99411411
There will be not allowed to everyone to register the day of the race at Molos.
We will send your Bib number, with a Courier
24ος Διεθνής Αγώνας Δρόμου Μάριου Αγαθαγγέλου
Μόλος Λεμεσού – ΛΕΜΕΣΙΑ – 30/10/2022- Εκκίνηση 9π.μ.
Απονομες θα γίνουν στους 3 πρωτους σε καθε κατηγορία (13-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70+)
ΑΠΟΣΤΑΣΗ 10ΚΜ 10 ΕΥΡΩ εκκίνηση 9.10 π.μ.
3ΚΜ 5 ΕΥΡΩ εκκίνηση 9.20 π.μ.
1ΚΜ ΔΩΡΕΑΝ εκκίνηση 9.00 π.μ.
Οι αριθμοί θα σταλούν με το ACS.
Πληροφορίες: τηλ. 99411411
Σωκράτης Σωκράτους
Τηλ. 99411411
Κώστας Χειμωνής, Έφορος Εκδηλώσεων
Αθλητικό Γραφείο Δήμου Λεμεσού 25884524
Email: [email protected]
Course details
Start address: Molos, Limasol, Cyprus
Finish address: Molos, Limasol, Cyprus
Incluso nella tariffa
Informazioni pratiche
Servizi post-gara
Limite di età
no age limit
Awards will be awarded in first 3 three men and women in overall results. Both 3km and 10km and to all age categories at all races.
Domande Frequenti
When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?
Bib numbers will be sent to your address via ACS
Le informazioni sulla gara provengono dal sito ufficiale dell'evento o da fonti pubblicamente reperibili. Consulta sempre il sito web ufficiale per le ultime informazioni sulla gara. Informaci tramite email. se alcuni dati sono errati o mancanti.