Garmin Kansas City Marathon

18 ott 2025 (Sat)


42,16km, 21,08km, 9,98km, 4,99km

Garmin Kansas City Marathon

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Garmin Kansas City Marathon

Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of the hilly and sometimes difficult course at this race is an abundance of what many other American cities have, but not nearly as many of — majestic, scenic fountains like those found in European capitals and tourist meccas like London and Rome.

Along the route, runners will see as many as 15 of the more than 200 fountains dispersed throughout the city, in addition to parks, downtown neighborhoods and historic districts. The half marathon, like the full marathon and 5K race, begins in downtown Kansas City at Washington Park near Crown Center, near the corner of Pershing and Grand Boulevard.

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Garmin Kansas City Marathon

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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