Irving Marathon

29 mar 2025 (Sat)


10km, 5km, 42,16km, 21,08km

Irving Marathon

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Irving Marathon

The Irving Marathon project was founded in 2012 through the collaborative efforts of the Irving Marathon, City of Irving and the Irving Healthcare Foundation, with the vision of bringing a sustainable, community minded running event to the City of Irving.

The Irving Marathon course is relatively flat (with some hills in the first and last three miles). The course starts and ends at the Irving Convention Center. The course is fast and is on 100% paved surfaces.

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Irving Marathon

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Le informazioni sulla gara provengono dal sito ufficiale dell'evento o da fonti pubblicamente reperibili. Consulta sempre il sito web ufficiale per le ultime informazioni sulla gara. Informaci tramite email. se alcuni dati sono errati o mancanti.