Hyannis Marathon, Half Marathon, 10Km & Marathon Team Relay

02 mar 2025 (Sun)


10km, 42,20km, 21,10km

Hyannis Marathon, Half Marathon, 10Km & Marathon Team Relay

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Hyannis Marathon, Half Marathon, 10Km & Marathon Team Relay

The Hyannis Marathon, Half Marathon, 10Km & Marathon Relay is one of the premier February race events in New England. It’s the first distance race event of the year with runners from all over New England hoping to either run a personal record, cover the distance for the first time, maybe qualify for the Boston Marathon or to just get moving again after a winter of cold and slow runs!

The beautiful waters of Cape Cod Bay and the Nantucket Sound form the backdrop for this marathon, half-marathon and 10K road race event in Hyannis, Mass., an exclusive Northeastern resort perhaps most famous as the home of the Kennedy family for the past several generations.

The race itself, which is paved throughout and mostly flat with just a few hills, takes runners on a tour of the town’s many beaches and historic sights, including the John F. Kennedy Memorial.

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Hyannis Marathon, Half Marathon, 10Km & Marathon Team Relay

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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