Franklin Mountains Trail Run

24 gen 2026 (Sat)


54,72km, 720km, 4,99km, 9,98km, 22,05km, 27,36km

Franklin Mountains Trail Run

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Join Franklin Mountains Trail Run

The Franklin Mountains of Texas are a small range that extend from El Paso, Texas north into New Mexico. The Franklins were formed due to crustal extension related to the Cenozoic Rio Grande rift. Although the present topography of the range and adjoining basins is controlled by extension during rifting in the last 10 million years, faults within the range also record deformation during the Laramide orogeny, between 85 and 45 million years ago. The highest peak is North Franklin Peak at 7,192 feet (2,192 m). Much of the range is part of the Franklin Mountains State Park. The mountains are composed primarily of sedimentary rock with some igneous intrusions. Geologists refer to them as tilted-block fault mountains and in them can be found 1.25 billion-year-old Precambrian rocks, the oldest in Texas.

The Franklin Mountains Trail Run is a rugged, unforgiving mountain race located in the Southern most tip of the rocky mountains in El paso, Texas. The city is a wonderful blend of culture, history and amazing mountains. All of the races will be located in the Franklin Mountains State Park. The 50k is part of the Altra US Skyrunnning Ultra Series.

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Franklin Mountains Trail Run

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