Oppdal Fjellmaraton

Oppdal, Norway

30 ago 2025 (Sat)


11km, 22km, 42,20km

Oppdal Fjellmaraton

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Join Oppdal Fjellmaraton

Welcome to the annual edition of the Dynafit Trollheimen Fjellmaraton. The course takes the the participants from the start in Gjevillvassdalen over several spectacular mountain peaks, Høghøa, Storgruvpiken and Vålåstadhåmmåren, to the finish in the village of Oppdal. The course is extremely demanding and offers varied terrain and technical sections. With a distance of 42km and 2200 vertical meter height difference, there is an immense strain placed on the runners, and finish times are well over the norm for a run of a similar distance.

The Dynafit Trollheimen fjellmaraton is a running experience that attracts all types of runners, from those who just want to finish the breath-taking course, through to elite athletes in search of an uncompromising challenge.
Ola Hovdenak won in 2016 with the time 4.04.08 and was the second winner of Trollheimen fjellmaraton. Hovdenak is one of Scandinavia’s most experienced mountain runners and claimed that he have never run in such an environment! On the women’s side it was Malene Haukøy that did an impressive finish and won with the time of 4.43.24.

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Oppdal Fjellmaraton

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