Coldwater Rumble

17 gen 2026 (Sat)


160,93km, 60km, 8,05km, 100km, 16,09km, 40km

Coldwater Rumble

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Estrella Mountain Regional Park contains 19,840 acres of desert and mountains and became the first regional park in the Maricopa County Park System in 1954. Located near the meeting of the Gila and Agua Fria Rivers in the southwest Valley, the park includes a large wetland, or riparian, area. The majority of the park remains pristine desert, very similar in appearance to the landscape seen by the first settlers and explorers. The Sierra Estrella range, or Star Mountains, was once within the Mexican border, and remained so until the Gadsden Purchase in 1853.

Coldwater Rumble 100 is Javelina Jundred’s sister race held at Estrella Mountain Regional Park in Goodyear, AZ. The course is comprised of five washing machine style 20 mile loops through the foothills of the mighty Estrella Mountains. The course features a wide variety of typical desert trail running surfaces including crushed granite single track, rocks, boulders, sandy washes, old jeep roads, and dry wash beds. Runners should prepare for a wide variety of conditions from very well defined, to more remote and sandy. 

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Coldwater Rumble

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