Biel Running days

06 giu 2025 (Fri)


100km, 21,10km, 11,20km

Biel Running days

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Join Biel Running days

The Bieler running days (Fri Courses de Bienne), which in June in Biel / Bienne take place consist of various folk and road races .

Most famous is the conducted since 1959 100-km run, the world is considered the largest of its kind and scoring run in the European Cup the Ultra Marathon is.

The path can either alone, be taken as a pair or in a 5 Series shot. In addition, a are night marathon , a half marathon and kids runs in the competition program. Enjoyment runners and walkers offered value-free routes from 1.5 to 21.1 km away.

Since 2008, the Swiss Championships are Ultra Marathon integrated into the 100-km race

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Biel Running days

local_activity Offerte e sconti

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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