This year’s edition has been turned into a virtual event
Join The Genk Trailfun Runs
"It is heart warming, seeing an athlete crossing the finish line, crying of happiness and feeling an organizer grabbing you and hugging you and also shedding a tear of joy! Seeing this, a spectator joins in and starts crying too.
This is the picture and the lovely atmosphere which makes this marathon famous and unique!"
The Louis Persoons marathon and half marathon take place in the Belgium province of Limburg in the city of Genk. Louis Person was a Belgian marathon runner who several times run the New York Marathon. His friends and athletic club The Demer from Genk, Belgium had the plan shaped in 2002 to sympathize thier fellow runner Louis so not to forget and to remember him in a Marathon. Annually Traditionally, in January this course perfectly organized by the people of ADD. It is also the family of their prematurely deceased friend at present. The races are several laps of a mainly forrested beautiful 6km course. Four fifths of the course is traffic-free.
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