Altra Centennial Park Ultra 50km and 100km

07 août 2016 (Sun)



Altra Centennial Park Ultra 50km and 100km

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Join Altra Centennial Park Ultra 50km and 100km

Centennial Park has a distinctive and special place in Australian history and culture. It was once a huge catchment of creeks, swamps, springs, sand dunes and ponds fed by ground water, and was traditionally home to the Gadi people. Today Centennial Park is a playground for adults and children of all ages and is one of the few inner city parks in the world to offer horse riding facilities. This is home to the Centennial Park Ultra.

Whether you class yourself as an endurance runner or are still on your way, we have the race for you. Come challenge yourself in the annual Centennial Park Ultra Marathon presented by Running Science this August. It is a class of ultra marathon that’s a step above the rest – it’s not only physically and mentally challenging, but it is also an experience like no other.

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Altra Centennial Park Ultra 50km and 100km

local_activity Offres et réductions

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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