Starting under the historic temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the Egyptian Marathon has been held regularly over the past 32 years proving to be the oldest ongoing marathon in Africa and the Middle East.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightIf like many other runners from the north of Europe you are searching for a great winter escape and a race set in a beautiful location then Maratón Málaga may be what you are looking for.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightSuper flat, charming, flawlessly beautiful course running through 2 world natural heritage bays of Vietnam's peaceful city in Southeast Asia in the most beautiful weather of the year, autumn and winter.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightRace through Key West’s historic Old Town and waterfront areas mid January, during the annual Key West Half Marathon. Set to begin at 7 a.m., the sporting challenge takes place on a flat, fast 13.1-mile half-marathon course in the scenic island city. The 5K Run will follow right after the start of the Half Marathon.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightThe Bali Hope Ultra is a challenging and impactful ultramarathon held in Bali, Indonesia. The overnight double marathon takes runners coast-to-coast across the island.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightTake a journey through the vineyards, where the picturesque charm of the Sienese white roads is adorned with the vibrant hues of autumn, creating a splendid and unforgettable panorama.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightParticipate in your first Marathon Combo from anywhere in the world! Estonia’s largest virtual sports event lets you complete the 42.2 km marathon at your own pace throughout September, perfect for runners and walkers.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightThe course takes runners on a tour of the city, going past some of Seville’s most iconic landmarks. The race is known for its flat and fast course, which is perfect for record-breaking performances.
Show more! keyboard_arrow_rightAll runners had to start somewhere. While maybe elite runners have been performing a grade above all else since leaving the womb, the rest of us took to running as a new activity for a myriad of reasons. Maybe it began during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the only way to be outside was to start by exercising. Or maybe it was a health-kick way to start to lose weight. Or maybe it was in conjunction wit...
How to best plan Your Half Marathon Training A half marathon is something that puts runners into a more elite category. Most people think about running five miles as a challenge, for seasoned runners, a half marathon is something that is a bit more than what they are used to. Whether you are new to running, or new to the marathon circuit, a half marathon is an excellent endurance run goal. Depend...
How Long Is A Marathon? Marathon In Kilometer and miles The first question that anyone who is considering challenging themselves to a marathon is likely to ask is “How long is a marathon?” The question is an easy one to answer; 26.2 miles long. That translates into 42.195 kilometers. The distance is an odd number, but one that dates back to the run of Pheidippides, who was a Greek soldier famed f...
Marathon Training For True Beginners There are people who were born to run and then there are the rest of us. Many use the marathon on their bucket list of challenges to accomplish. If you are someone who is a true running novice, welcome. Running is something that once you get the hang of, it will get a hold of you. If you take the right steps and don’t try to go out and run a marathon right out...
Starting Slow And Building The mistake that most of us make when starting a new venture is that we go all out. We get excited about something and, instead of being methodical and taking the time needed, we rush into it head first. It is important when you make any new commitment to put your heart into it, but you must also put your head into it. If you have decided that you are ready to begin...
Running A Marathon For The First Time Many people take on the goal of running a marathon, but not many understand the commitment that it takes. For a runner at heart, running just a little farther may not seem like such a big deal. What those who have made a lifetime out of running, and those who just start when they make the decision, find out quickly is that it is going to be the challenge of a...
If you are not a natural runner and are considering whether you should give it a try, or as many people do, have a marathon on your bucket to-do list and you need a little incentive, there are a vast number of benefits that you get from running. Not only do you get the runner’s euphoric high that just makes you feel good, but there are also other health benefits you reap. #1 Running helps to enhan...
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