Create discount packages for participants

If you want to increase participation rates for your racing event, then creating discount packages is an excellent way to get more people to your race. The more people you get to onboard, the more revenue you will generate, and the more referrals you are likely to gain. A discount package is a great way to target a specific niche market of runners who like to run together or even corporations or businesses who are looking for a way to add cohesion to their workers outside of the workplace through running together.
The best way to create a discount package is to have several options. The more people who sign up together, the more discount they should receive. Sure, you might get less per runner. But, the reality is that if you weren’t offering a discount package, you probably wouldn’t have runners enticing fellow runners to join along. The more people that a participant can get to run with them, the less they pay. That can create an excellent incentive for them to sell your event.
If you offer discount packages, you are also likely to target people who have to travel to your race. If getting there is half the battle, a road trip might be just the thing that a group is looking for. If you offer them a discounted rate to travel to your race rather than choosing something that is closer nearby, then you are gaining an entire segment that might not otherwise choose to come to your event.
Once you have created a discount package
Once you have created a tier package program, then it is time to advertise. You will want to begin to target running groups and other organizations that are willing to combine together to advertise your event. The bigger the buzz you can create, the higher your participate rates will climb, and the more exposure you will gain.
Packages for groups
Group discounts encourage the cohesion of a group to choose your event over another one. It also creates a sense of community. Encourage groups to tout their own brand, run for a cause, or donation individually by raising funds on their own. That will make it a more meaningful and engaging event for “groups” of people instead of only targeting individual competitive athletes.
When you offer discount packages for groups, you are incentivizing those who might not even be into racing into joining in. That will not only create loyalty and a feeling of community; it will also increase your overall participation rate. What you lose in giving discounts, you will gain way more from increasing participation rates.