Williams Route 66 Marathon
23 Nov 2025 (Sun)
42.20km, 21.10km, 26.10km, 47.20km, 1.61km, 5km

Join Williams Route 66 Marathon
The Route 66 Marathon may be new to the racing circuit, but it is one of the fastest growing marathons in the country. The slogan “Let our first marathon be your first” was the one that set it all in motion. Over 3,000 participants signed on to give it a try. Whether you are looking for a marathon, a half-marathon, or a relay race, the spectacular nature of it may just be the perfect match for you.
Not just a challenge of the human spirit, the race was also initiated to raise funds for the Tulsa Area United Way. A Boston qualifier, the 26.2 miles of the Route 66 Marathon is characterized by historic sites and scenic roadways. Taking from the American iconic Route 66, it is everything American for sure. From the VIP tent to the refreshment tables abound, there is nothing left unplanned or anticipated for.
You need no qualifications to run in the marathon, with the only stipulation being that you have to be 16 years or older by race day. Whether it is your first marathon experience or your 100, the experience itself is nothing short of unique and spectacular. The Route 66 Marathon is one to add to your must-do list for any running enthusiast from newbie to seasoned veteran.
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