Tupelo Marathon and 14.2 Miler

31 Aug 2025 (Sun)


42.16km, 22.85km

Tupelo Marathon and 14.2 Miler

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Join Tupelo Marathon and 14.2 Miler

Join us for the 2016 edition of the Tupelo Marathon/13.1 Miler. Tupelo is a throwback to the way marathons used to be. There are no bands on the course, there are no cheering spectators, there isn’t a water stop every mile and we never hand out energy gels. Even with the early start it will be hot and humid, but you will get a unique tie-dyed t-shirt for entering and an award winning medallion if you finish. Entries will be capped at 350 for the Marathon and 450 in the 13.1 Miler.

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Tupelo Marathon and 14.2 Miler

local_activity Deals & discounts

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