Patmos Revelation

Skala, Greece

01 jul. 2018 (Sun)


15km, 5 km

Patmos Revelation

local_activity Ofertas y descuentos

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Patmos Revelation

For another time the island of the Dodecanese will carry out high-level sporting activities. "Patmos Revelation" opens its doors and the Municipality of Patmos in cooperation with Region of South Aegean and Active Media aims to highlight the element of sport tourism.

"Patmos Revelation" will take place where the island will host running (5km & 15km) and open water swimming (1 mile) races, for professional and amateur athletes, for both young and old, with the presence of Greek Olympic and world champions. The event’ s goal is the growth of tourism on an undeniably beautiful island, offering alternative forms of tourism that enable the visitor to combine fun with sports and the knowledge of the history of the place.

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Mapa de ruta

directions_runStart address: Skala 280 86, Greece

flagFinish address: Skala 280 86, Greece



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Patmos Revelation

local_activity Ofertas y descuentos

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

La información de la carrera se ha encontrado en el sitio web oficial del evento o en otras fuentes de acceso público. Consulta siempre el sitio web oficial para obtener la información más actualizada sobre la carrera. Si falta algún dato o hay algún error, envíanos un correo electrónico para informarnos..