
10km Runs, The Perfect Happy Medium?

10km Runs, The Perfect Happy Medium?

If you are a recreational runner who is looking for a little competition, the 10km might be the perfect event for you. The 10km is the perfect happy medium for both newbie competitors and seasoned athletes. Although a 10km (6.2 miles) might sound a little intimidating, it is a run that many people can go to couch to finish line in just a few months. Whether you are looking for a fast flat racecourse or a fun run with lots of peaks and valleys, there is a 10km to fit your aspirations, desires, an ... Seguir leyendo

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Lo que dicen los corredores sobre 10km Runs, The Perfect Happy Medium?

Daniel Thomas

Daniel Thomas

BMW Helsinki Marathon, Comentario realizado el 25 agosto, 2024
