Join adidas Stockholm Marathon - SOLD OUT
Der adidas Stockholm Marathon führt dich durch die Straßen der schönen, auf 14 Inseln erbauten Hauptstadt Schwedens. Die Strecke bietet spektakuläre Ausblicke auf eine einzigartige Stadt mit abwechslungsreicher Landschaft und einem wunderschönen, historischen Stadtkern. Beim Marathon in Stockholm geht es aber nicht nur um die großartige Aussicht und Geschichte der Stadt. Das Rennen zieht Hunderttausende von Zuschauern an, die dich entlang der Strecke anfeuern werden. Die jubelnde Zuschauermenge begleitet dich bis zum unvergesslichen Zieleinlauf im Olympiastadion von 1912, der Heimat von 83 offiziell anerkannten Weltrekorden in der Leichtathletik. Keine andere Arena der Welt kommt an diese Zahl heran, und hoffentlich kannst du hier, beim Stockholm Marathon, deinen eigenen Rekord im Stadion aufstellen.
Adidas Stockholm Marathon is an exciting race in a beautiful city with runners from all over the world. This is one of the major sporting events in Sweden with hundreds of thousands of spectators along the route cheering the participants.
The race takes you through Stockholm, one of the world’s most beautiful capitals. Built on 14 islands around one of Europe’s largest and best-preserved medieval city centres, the Swedish capital is superbly positioned, with stunning and extremely varied scenery in every direction.
At the finish, in the classical 1912 Olympic Stadium, enthusiastic fans greet the runners. The Olympic Stadium has been the site of numerous memorable athletic performances, with no less than 83 officially recognised world records in track and field. There is no other arena anywhere in the world that comes close to that number. The race will finish in the world famous stadium built for the 1912 Olympic Games.
The 1912 Olympic Stadium is truly a classic venue for athletics. The Marathon Expo, the Pasta Party and the Post Race Celebration are traditional parts of the event, bringing all the runners together in a joyful atmosphere. With almost 7,500 international runners from more than 90 countries the adidas Stockholm Marathon is also a multicultural festival.
We welcome you to the most popular event in one of the world’s most beautiful capitals!
Course details
Start address: Stockholm, Sweden
Finish address: Lidingövägen, 114 33 Stockholm, Sweden
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Finisher’s T-shirts
done E-certificate/e-diploma
done Timing chip (single use)
done Pacers
done Photo Service
done Drink Stations
done Nutrition Stations
done Medical Assistance
done Bag drop info
done Toilets
done Shower
Häufig gestellte Fragen
When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?
You will receive your digital registration card, which indicates your start number by email in the middle of May. Then you can also find your start number in adidas Stockholm Marathon start list. You can collect your BIB at the Runners Expo at Danicahallen at "Östermalms IP".
Can someone collect my race pack for me?
Yes, it's fine if that person has your start certificate or ID.
How do I get to the race location?
The subway and buses are the best and most environmentally friendly ways to get to both the adidas Stockholm Marathon Expo and the start at the Stadion. Another eco-friendly and pleasant way to get here is by bicycle, and you can park your bike outside the Expo, though not on Saturday.
What is the cancelation/refund policy for this event?
Tickets are non refundable.
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