
Mediterránea Triathlon Castellón

05-06 Jul 2025 (Sat - Sun)


51,50km, 25,75km, 12,85km

Mediterránea Triathlon Castellón

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Mediterránea Triathlon Castellón

Mediterránea Triatlón is the most popular triathlon circuit in the Mediterranean, with more than 4,000 participants between its 3 cities: Alicante (17/18 May), Castellón (5/6 July) and València. Mediterránea Triatlón also includes València Duathlon by MTRI, a competition in supersprint distance that takes place on February.

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Course details

Course surface
Other tags
Mulitple Loops
1000-4999 Participants
Course highlights
Flat competition with a easy bike circuit and the best swimming in clear waters and footrace in the Postiguet beach area.
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Start address: Grao de Castellón, Spain

Finish address: Grao de Castellón, Spain

What’s included

These are included in your entry
  • done Finisher medal

  • done Event T-shirts

  • done Medal engraving info

  • done Cash prizes info

  • done Timing chip (rental) info

  • done Photo Service

  • done Video Service

  • done Post-race meal

  • done Massage

  • done Parking info

  • done Drink Stations

  • done Nutrition Stations

  • done Medical Assistance

  • done Bag drop info

  • done Toilets info

  • done Shower info

  • done Dressing rooms info

  • done Accident insurance info

  • done Medal engraving info

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?


Friday June 30 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Saturday July 1 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Sunday July 2 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. (Olympic distance only) Expo at the Javier Marquina Football Field (Castellón)

What is the cancelation/refund policy for this event?


According to the Spanish Retail Trade regulations, all registrations may be returned in full during a period of 7 days from the registration date. In 100% returns, the participant will assume €1.50 for management expenses. For subsequent returns outside this period, as long as it is justified, the following sections are established until June 30, 2024: Until April 22 - 100% From April 23 to May 27 - 75% From May 28 to June 30 - 50 %

Drafting rules


Yes, drafting is allowed with the sole exception that it is not between athletes of different sex.

Permitted bikes


In the Olympic the use of a road bike is mandatory. In the Supersprint and Sprint you can use a mountain bike without couplings.

Is neoprene allowed?


Subject to measurement by the Official Judges of each test 1 hour before departure.

Mediterránea Triathlon Castellón

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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