
Mediterránea Triatlón Alicante

Alacant, Spain

17-18 Mai 2025 (Sat - Sun)


51,50km, 25,75km, 12,85km

local_activity Early bird ticket

Mediterránea Triatlón Alicante

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Mediterránea Triatlón Alicante 2025

Mediterránea Triatlón is the most popular triathlon circuit in the Mediterranean, with more than 4,000 participants between its 3 cities: Alicante (17/18 May), Castellón (5/6 July) and València (31 May/1 June). Mediterránea Triatlón also includes València Duathlon by MTRI, a competition in supersprint distance that takes place on February.

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Course details

Course surface
Other tags
Point to Point
1000-4999 Participants

Start address: Playa del Postiguet, Paseo de Gomiz, Alacant, Espanya

Finish address: Paseíto Ramiro, Alacant, Espanya


Registrierung schließt am 11 Mai (47 Tage bis zur Veranstaltung)

The current price step is valid until 30 April, 2025

Supersprint Triathlon

12,85 Km

Mehr erfahren

40 EUR


30 EUR

Sprint Triathlon

25,75 Km

Mehr erfahren

60 EUR


45 EUR

Olympic Triathlon

51,50 Km

Mehr erfahren

65 EUR


50 EUR

Supersprint Triathlon Pairs

12,85 Km (for a 2 member team)

Mehr erfahren

80 EUR


60 EUR

Not combinable with other tickets

Sprint Triathlon Pairs

25,75 Km (for a 2 member team)

Mehr erfahren

120 EUR


90 EUR

Not combinable with other tickets

Olympic Triathlon Pairs

51,50 Km (for a 2 member team)

Mehr erfahren

130 EUR


100 EUR

Not combinable with other tickets

ausgewählte Tickets

ausgewählte Tickets



Eine volle Rückerstattung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Anmeldung ist möglich.

Wir akzeptieren Visa MasterCard AMX PayPal Multibanco iDEAL WeChat Pay AliPay Swish Mobile pay

What’s included

These are included in your entry
  • done Finisher medal

  • done Goodie bag

  • done Event T-shirts

  • done Cash prizes

  • done Photo Service

  • done Video Service

  • done Expo entry

  • done Post-race meal

  • done Massage

  • done Parking info

  • done Drink Stations

  • done Nutrition Stations

  • done Medical Assistance

  • done Bag drop

  • done Toilets

  • done Shower

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?


- Location: Expo (Paseíto Ramiro - Alicante) - Date: May 16 (5 p.m. - 8 p.m.), May 17 (7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.), May 18 (6:45 a.m. - 8 a.m.) Delivery of numbers | Expo | Cloakroom | Finish Line

Can someone collect my race pack for me?


Yes, with an authorisation and also by showing a copy of your identity card. It is possible to show it by mobile phone.

How do I get to the race location?


Inside the official website

Can I change the distance after I purchase a ticket?


Yes, you can change the race distance as long as there are places available. You will only have to pay the difference in price.

What is the cancellation/refund policy for this event?


According to the Spanish Retail Trade regulations, all registrations may be returned in full during a period of 7 days from the registration date. In 100% returns, the participant will assume €1.50 for management expenses. For subsequent returns outside this period, as long as it is justified, the following sections are established until May 11, 2025: Until 30 March 100 % From 1 April to 30 April 50 % From 1 May to 11 May 30 %

Drafting rules


Yes, drafting is allowed with the sole exception that it is not between athletes of different sex.

Permitted bikes


In the Olympic the use of a road bike is mandatory. In the Supersprint and Sprint you can use a mountain bike without couplings. It's not allowed to use time trial bikes.

Is neoprene allowed?


Subject to measurement by the Official Judges of each test 1 hour before departure.

local_activity Early bird ticket

Mediterránea Triatlón Alicante

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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