Join Zengibar Road - Trekking
The unique finale of the Zengibar Road!
Bolay Plateau – Ayıboğazı Canyon – Çetmi Waterfall – Bolay Village Stage
Take your place in this fascinating journey where history and nature embrace each other.
We are walking the Bolay Plateau, Ayıboğazı Canyon, Çetmi Waterfall, Bolay Village stage of the Zengibar Road. Our nature walk activity will be carried out on the final track, one of the most beautiful stages of the historical Zengibar road.
Course details
Start address: Bolay, Taşkent/Konya, Türkiye
Finish address: Afşar Tepecik, bolay yaylasi, Taşkent/Karaman, Türkiye
What’s included
done Training program
done Parking
done Shuttle to Start Line
done Drink Stations
done Nutrition Stations
done Medical Assistance
done Accident insurance
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