Novant Health Wilmington NC Marathon

27 Feb 2026 (Fri)


42,16km, 5km, 1,61km, 21,08km

Novant Health Wilmington NC Marathon

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Join Novant Health Wilmington NC Marathon

Set for its annual running this year, the Quintiles Wrightsville Beach Marathon & Half Marathon takes runners along a route that winds through a number of coastal communities here on Wrightsville Beach, one of North Carolina’s coastal resort areas that features ample opportunities for golf, tennis, shopping and dining, and lies just a few miles from nearby Wilmington, N.C.

Both the full and the half marathons share the same starting line on Wrightsville Beach’s Salisbury Street, overlooking the calm waters of the intracoastal waterway that lies between the North Carolina mainland and the Atlantic Ocean.

With a peak elevation of only 32ft, the Quintiles Wrightsville Beach Marathon is fast, flat and notorious for personal bests. Combined with the huge bonus of the race being an USATF certified qualifier, it’s no surprise why this marathon attracts a healthy variety of runners from first timers to veterans and sells out fast.

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Novant Health Wilmington NC Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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